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Dress Code

School Dress Code

Mundijong Primary School Dress Code Policy

School dress requirements are tangible evidence of the standards expected of students.  A school’s dress requirements play an important role in promoting a positive image of the school and creating a sense of identity among students.

Mundijong  Primary School has a uniform dress code for all students. This is in accordance with Department of Education policy and has been ratified by the School Council.  Acceptance of enrolment at the school assumes an agreement that the enrolling student will dress within the guidelines of the dress code.

The Mundijong school community believes a school dress code:

  • Fosters and enhances the public image of the school.
  • Assists in building school and team spirit.
  • Allows quick identification of our students and promotes a safer school environment.
  • Ensures students are safely dressed for specific school activities.
  • Promotes equity among students; and
  • Fosters an understanding amongst students that being suitably groomed is an expectation of any future workplace.

The School Board strongly supports the school in insisting that all children wear the approved school uniform whilst at school, on excursions, during interschool sporting activities or at any other time whilst representing the school.

General Appearance

Children are required to wear suitable footwear for health and safety reasons. Appropriate footwear includes sandals, joggers, shoes and socks. Inappropriate footwear includes high heels or platform shoes, thongs or slip-ons. Sandals are not considered appropriate during winter and autumn.

Make-up and Hair Styles When students are in uniform, make-up (mascara, nail polish etc.) is not to be worn. While the school recognises that students may like to express their individuality through wearing a range of hair styles, radical hairstyles are discouraged and the colouring of hair (with the exception of temporary colouring for school sports days) is not acceptable or compatible with the school uniform philosophy.  

Jewellery Department of Education policy discourages the wearing of jewellery to school.  Dangling earrings, long necklaces and bracelets can become a personal safety issue. If children need to wear rings or bracelets for health or specific reasons, parents are required to write a note explaining the reason.  No responsibility will be accepted by the school for the loss or damage of jewellery.

Make-up and Hair Styles When student is in uniform, make-up (mascara, nail polish etc.) is not to be worn.  While the school recognises that a students may like to express their individuality through wearing a range of hair styles, radical hairstyles are discouraged and the colouring of hair (with the exception of temporary colouring for school sports days) is not acceptable or compatible with the school uniform philosophy

Wearing of Sun Hats The dangers of skin cancer are fully documented.  We would like all students to wear the school hat. Wearing of hats whilst involved in outside activities is compulsory throughout the entire year.  We have provided sun safe hats for all students to wear as part of the uniform provided in the Uniform shop. Sun visors, caps, beanies and hoods are not adequate head wear.