Arrival at School
Children should not arrive at school before 8.30 am. Before this time, teachers have a responsibility for classroom preparation, and the supervision of children is therefore difficult. Any student arriving before 8.30am must sit in the undercover area until 8.30am then move to their classroom.
Late Arrivals
Parents delivering children late to school must collect a Late Note from the school office which is taken to class by student.
Leaving School Grounds
Children are not permitted to leave the school grounds at any time without a written request from parents.
Parents collecting students before the end of a school day must complete a Department of Education Standardised Leave Pass available from the school office.
SMS messages to parents are sent out automatically at 11am if a child is absent from school. Parents are advised to please respond either by return SMS or by phoning the school with an explanation on child’s absence – 9526 7150.
It is a requirement by law if your child is absent from school that you contact the school, forward an explanatory note to the class teacher or telephone the school office. Please note that under department regulations a written note is required to cover all absences from school.
Children Who Become Sick At School
The school is unable to look after children who become sick during the day. Where such an instance occurs or where a child is injured during the day, parents will be contacted and arrangements made for children to go home. It is important that the office has details of the family’s current EMERGENCY CONTACT numbers.