P&C Association
Mundijong Primary School Parents and Citizens Association (P&C) is a school-based group whose membership consists of parents, teachers and interested community members. We all share one thing in common – we want to give a little of our time to help our school be the best that it can be for our children. We know how important the relationship between the school and the community is in ensuring that our children reach their full potential in a safe, caring and inclusive learning environment.
The P&C has two main roles:
- To promote the interest of the school by bringing parents, students, community members and teaching staff together
- To assist in providing resources, facilities and equipment to the school through fundraising
At Mundijong Primary School, the P&C are responsible for the management of both the Canteen and the Uniform Shop.
Any member of the Mundijong Primary School community can become a member of the P&C. It costs $1 per family per year to join. Our members help out in many ways, from Office Bearers and Committee Members, to parents who work full time or have very young children and find the time to volunteer for a shift at the canteen, or simply lend a hand at the odd Sausage Sizzle or Busy Bee. To all of these people we remain eternally grateful. Without your dedication, we would not be able to raise the vital funds we need to provide the school with much needed resources. Every little effort can really make a big difference. Volunteering is also an amazing way to get networking and make new friends if you are new to the school community, as well as to simply become more involved in the day to day running of our fantastic school.
The P&C meet on a regular basis, with dates advertised in the Term Planner and School Newsletter. Why not come along? You’ll get to find out what’s going on in the school, decide if you would like to do anything to help, as well as have a coffee and even get to make friends with like-minded people. Everyone is welcome and it would be great to see as many of you as possible. If you can’t make the meeting simply get in touch with the school office for further details in how you can become involved in your area of interest ie. Canteen, Uniform Shop or Fundraising.